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24 Hours Open
Service Area | Facility ID | District | Facility Type | Facility Level | Facility Name | CPC Target | Current # of CPC On-Board (SWB) | CPC on Temp (SWB) | CPC on Long Term Hold (SWB) | Current # of CPC On-Board minus Temps minus LTH (Calculation) | Current Staffing | Projected Staffing | Avg. Training Time (Years) | ATCS in Training (SWB) | ATCS in Training on Long Term Hold (SWB) | ATCS in Training minus LTH (Calculation) | Training Success Rate | Current ATCS in Training Expected to Cert (Calculation) | Committed ATCS Inbound (SWB) | Placement List Inbounds | Temps Inbound (SWB) | Inbounds Expected to Cert + Temps Inbound (Calculation) | Committed ATCS Outbound (SWB) | Placement List Outbounds (ERR, Hardship) | Temps Outbound (SWB) | Projected Retirements and Other Losses (Finance) | Possible Gains to National Average (Calculation) | Possible Gains to Target (Calculation) | ERR Category | Possible Losses | Current % Trainees to ATCS | TNE (SWB) | AG (SWB) | Dev1 (SWB) | Dev2 (SWB) | Dev3 (SWB) | Dev Total (SWB) | CPCIT0 (SWB) | CPCIT1 (SWB) | CPCIT2 (SWB) | CPCIT3 (SWB) | CPCIT Total (SWB) | EnRoute or Terminal | HRRegion | CoreAirport | Type | |
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